




1、        学生需要凭本人有效护照、入学通知书或者留学生办公室入住通知单至公寓办理入住手续。

2、        入住时需缴纳押金300元,才可获取房间钥匙及电器遥控器。请学生自备寝具和生活用品。宿舍仅提供床垫一张。

3、        国际学生公寓仅供在册国际学生住宿使用,不得用作它途或转租给他人。

4、        无宿舍管理员和留学生办公室允许,不得随意更换房间和床位,否则取消住宿资格。

5、        无论因何原因终止在校学习,学生就不再享有居住宿舍的权力,应立即办理退房手续。

6、        退房时,需要交回钥匙和押金单等并配合宿管人员检查房间无问题后方可办理退宿手续。

7、        退房和物品搬离。住宿结束后需退房并搬离所有的个人物品。如有特殊原因,可申请保留房间7日,如之后仍未将物品搬走的,留学生办公室将作为废弃物品处理。不为这些物品的遗失或损坏负责。

8、        学生如需续住,必须至少提前一个月向留学生办公室提出续住申请,留学生办公室将视宿舍情况和学生住宿期间的表现决定是否同意续住。申请续住的学生不得欠费,同时需支付完新学期的学费后方可提交续住申请。全额缴纳新学期住宿费的学生可以优先预定入住。住宿期间,违规次数累计两次(含两次)以上者,不予续住。


1、        原则上2人合住一间,价格为一个床位每天每人50元。如有特殊需要,且国际学生宿舍尚有空的单间,可以申请入住单间,价格为每天每人90元。单间数量较少,先到先得。自费生如因特殊原因需要一个人住双人间的,需支付两个床位的费用,标准为每个房间每天每人100元。

2、        学生付费后方可入住国际学生公寓。学生入住前需要到留学生办公室开具住宿费缴款单并到财务处一次性付清住宿期间的费用。学期中途退房,房费不予退还。如有特殊原因需要退宿,将按照收费标准重新计算住宿费用,学生填写退费单后再予以退费。

3、        国际学生宿舍免水费(冷水)。电费学院给予适当补贴,补贴额度如下:单人间每月200千瓦,双人间每月250千瓦。每次新生入住时请与宿管人员一起查看房间电表的度数,每月末检查各房间的用电量,多余部分学生将自己支付(超过额度的部分每度0.61元)。

4、        假期离开宿舍但希望保留宿舍的,单人房每人每天45元;双人房每个床位每天每人25元。

5、        宿舍18楼有收费洗衣机和干衣机,学生可以使用支付宝支付。没有支付宝的学生可以使用宿管人员的专用洗衣机,费用为人民币4/桶。

6、        钥匙如有遗失需要补的,每把钥匙10元。

7、        宿舍内的热水需要刷校园卡才能使用,按0.18/分钟计费,卡内费用不低于5元时才能有效刷卡使用。

8、        上海戏剧学院保留因物价等因素调整以上所有费用标准的权力。


1、        房间巡查


2、        公寓管理员有权没收学生违规带入公寓内的物品。

3、        房间调整


4、        请勿让陌生人进入房间。

5、        学院只负责公共区域的卫生,不提供房间的打扫服务,学生需自行负责室内清洁工作。

6、        留学生宿舍全面禁烟。请保持室内外清洁,不得在室内或楼道内随意打洞或涂划张贴;不得在公寓内或向窗外乱扔杂物;不得在宿舍内饲养宠物,否则取消入住资格。


1、        请保持公共区域整洁,不得堆放个人物品,不乱扔垃圾,不在墙上乱画和张贴通知。

2、        公共区域请保持安静,严禁大声喧哗及高声放音响。

3、        公共区域严禁吸烟、饮酒及携带大量酒精饮品。

4、        未经事先允许,不得在公寓内售卖各类物品和服务。


1、        请勿随意移动公寓内配备的家具和设施。为了避免损失,宿舍有权要求赔偿。

2、        住宿学生应该妥善使用公寓内家具、设备和日常物品,否则将照价赔偿损坏费用,正常损耗除外。

3、        房间内设施损坏需要及时保修,因未及时保修而导致的私人物品损坏,宿舍不承担赔偿责任。

4、        宿舍内如有需要报修,请及时联系宿管人员。



1、        宿舍内不得存放易燃易爆物品,不得在楼内或窗外燃放烟花爆竹。

2、        禁止在房内使用电热毯、卤素灯、石英取暖器、电炉、电饭煲、热得快、液化气卡式炉、电热杯等容易引发火灾的器具。

3、        学生仅可在公共厨房内烧煮或加热食物。

4、        禁止在房间内和公共区域点蜡烛,使用明火。

5、        严禁向窗外扔掷物品。

6、        请照看好个人物品和现金,学校不为住宿生带入宿舍的任何物品的遗失和损坏负责。

7、        钥匙不要随便借给他人,外出一定要锁好门,并关好窗户和所有电源开关,以防意外。

8、        禁止在房间内吸烟。

9、        请勿在房间插座上接入过多电器超负荷用电。请勿使用不合格电器设备。

10、     不得乱拉私结电线。


1、        严禁制造、使用、保存、出售非法毒品。

2、        严禁拥有武器、炸药或易燃易爆有毒物品。

3、        严禁进行生理、心理骚扰、***和种族歧视。

4、        严禁在宿舍内赌博。


1、        为保证入住人员休息,晚上2330至次日700为安静时间,禁止吵闹。

2、        无论何时,住宿生应将噪音控制在合理程度内,以免打扰其他学生。



1、        被访者需要全程陪同来访者。

2、        来访者须在宿舍管理人员处凭有效身份证件进行登记。

3、        访客离开时需要登记签名。

4、        不允许留宿访客。

5、        如在疫情封控等特殊情况下,学校可以暂时中止访客进入。







中国上海延安西路355 200086









救护120          火警119         公安110        电话查询114


Regulation on International Student Dormitory


How to apply for admission

Those  who officially enrolled at Shanghai Theatre Academy can apply for  dormitory placement while registering in the foreign student’s  enrollment portal.


Check-in and checkout procedures

1.    Students  need to have their valid passport, admission notice or check-in notice  from the international student office in order to check into the  dormitory.

2.    A  deposit of 300 RMB needs to be paid before students can get the room  key and remote control. Students need to prepare the bedding and life  necessities except mattress.

3.    The  international student dormitory is only for the accommodation of  enrolled international students. It should not be used for other  purposes nor should students sublet to others.

4.    Students  should not change rooms or beds without getting permission from the  dormitory manager and international student office, otherwise students  would be disqualified from living in the dormitory.

5.    Regardless  of the reason for termination of study, students no longer have the  right to live in the dormitory and should start checkout procedures  right away.

6.    When  students checkout, they must return the room key and complete the room  check procedures together with the dormitory management personnel.The  deposit will be refunded after the check-out procedures complete. If  there are any item missing or damaged, the students should pay for  compensation.

7.    Checkout and item removal

8.    Students  need to vacate the room and remove all personal belongings at the end  of the stay. Students can keep their rooms for additional 7 days if they  have special reasons. If the belongings are not removed after that  period, they will be treated as abandoned articles. The school holds no  responsibility for taking care of them.

9.    If students need to extend their stay,  they must apply to the international student office at least one month  in advance. The office will decide whether or not to renew the student’s  residence according to the conditions of the dormitory at that time and  the student’s performance during the stay. Students need to pay all the  fees before they are eligible for extension. Those who pay  accommodation fees in full for the new semester will be given priority  in booking. During the stay, those who violate the rules more than two  times (including two times) will not be allowed to extend their stay.



1.     In  principle, two international students share a room. The room fee for  each person is 50 RMB per day. If one self-funded student has special  needs while the empty single rooms are available, he/she can apply for a  single room which costs 90 RMB per day. There are only a few single  rooms available so it follows the rule that first come, first get. If  one self-funded student wants to book a double room, he/she needs to pay  the cost of the whole room, which is 100 RMB per day.

2.     Students  can stay in the dormitory after paying for their rooms. Before moving  into the dormitory, students must go to the international student office  so that they could issue a dormitory fee payment form and then fees  must be paid in full at the financial office. If students check out  during the semester, the dormitory fee will not be refunded. If there is  a special reason for checking out, the dormitory fee will be  recalculated according to standard charges, and the student will receive  a refund after filling out the refund form.

3.     Water is free (cold water) in the international student dormitory. The electrical is subsidized 200 KW per month for a single room and 250 KW per month for a double room. The extra electricity fee should be borne by students (0.61RMB/kilowatt). The dormitory management personnel will read the electricity meter together with the new students when students check in. At the end of each month, the electrical consumption of each room will be checked.

4.     Students who leave the dormitory for the holidays but wish to retain their   rooms will be charged 45 RMB per person per day for single rooms and 25 RMB per person per day for double rooms.

5.     Students can use Alipay to use the washing machine and the heater on the 18th floor of the dormitory building. If students don’t have Alipay, they can borrow dormitory personnel’s washing machine and pay 4 RMBfor each load.

6.     If the room key is lost and need a replacement, the fee is 10 RMB.

7.     Hot water charges 0.18RMB/minute, which can only be used after students swipe with their campus cards. No less than 5RMB in the card can operate the hot water system.

8.     STA holds the right to adjust all above prices according to the real costs.


Room management

1.    Room inspection

Dormitory management personnel are allowed to enter the rooms during working hours for cleaning,  equipment maintenance and other safety measures. Students will be  informed in advance of dormitory personnel entering the rooms when  safety inspections are being carried out.

2.    Dormitory management personnel are authorized to confiscate items that violatedormitory regulations.

3.    Room adjustments

For the effective use of resources, dormitory managementpersonnel are allowed to make adjustments to the students’ room arrangements. Students are usually given 3 days notice on it..

4.    NO strangers are allowed into dormitory rooms.

5.    The dormitory management personnel provideclean service only for public areas. Students are responsible to clean their own rooms.

6.    Smoking is prohibited in the international student dormitory. Students should keep indoor and outdoor areas clean. No hole making, scribbling or pasting on the walls inthe rooms or the corridors are allowed. No litter in the dormitory building or throwing things  out of the windows. Pets are not allowed in the dormitory. Breaking  these rules will result in cancellation of dormitory lease.


Public areas


1.    Please keep public areas clean and tidy. Do not stack personal belongings, litter, scribble on the walls and post notices.

2.    Please keep quiet in public area. Brawls are not allowed.  Do not play stereos loudly.

3.    Smoking, drinking and carrying large quantities of alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited in public areas.

4.    The selling of goods and services is not allowed in the dormitory without prior permission.


Item maintenance

1.    Please  do not move the furniture and equipment provided in the dormitory. The  dormitory has the right to claim compensation in the event of loss or  damage.

2.    Students  should use the furniture, equipment and other everyday items properly,  otherwise they will need to compensate for any damages that occur  besides those caused by normal wear and tear.  Compensation costs are according to the prices listed.

3.    Damage  to the facilities will need to be repaired in a timely manner. The  dormitory will not be held responsible for the damage of personal  belongings caused by the failure to report damages on time.

4.    If there’s a need for repairs in the dormitory, please contact the dormitory management personnel as soon as possible.



In case of an emergency, please contact the dormitory staff immediately.

1.    No  inflammable and explosive materials should be stored in the dormitory,  and no fireworks should be set off inside or outside the building.

2.    It  is forbidden to use electric blankets, halogen lamps, quartz heaters,  hotplates, electric rice cookers, fast heating, liquefied gas furnace,  electric cups and other appliances that would easily cause a fire in the  room.

3.    Students can cook or reheat food only in the public kitchen.

4.    It is forbidden to light candles or to have open flames in rooms and public areas.

5.    Throwing objects out of the window is strictly prohibited.

6.    Please  take good care of personal belongings and cash. The school will not be  responsible for the loss or damage of any belongings brought into the  dormitory.

7.    Keys  should not be casually lent to others. Make sure to lock the doors, and  close the windows properly and also turn off the electricity when  leaving the dormitory to avoid accidents.

8.    No smoking in the rooms.

9.    Please  do not overload electrical sockets by plugging too many appliances in  at once. Do not use electrical equipment that are not up to safety  standards.

10. Don’t twist wires indiscriminately.


Criminal activities prohibited in the dormitory

1.    It is strictly forbidden to manufacture, use, store and sell illegal drugs.

2.    It is strictly forbidden to possess weapons, explosives or inflammable and explosive toxic substances.

3.    Physical and psychological harassment, sexual harassment and racial discrimination are strictly prohibited.

4.    Gambling is strictly prohibited in the dormitory.


Quiet time

1.    In  order to ensure residents are able to rest, quiet time is from 23:30  p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Please refrain from being noisy during this time  period.

2.    Students should keep noise at a reasonable level at all times so as to avoid disturbing others.




Visitors are allowed into the dormitory during visiting hours (8:00-22:00).

1.    Residents should accompany their visitors throughout their entire visit.

2.    Visitors must register with management personnel upon entry using a valid ID.

3.    Visitors need to sign out when they leave.

4.    Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight.

5.    Visitors will be denied in special situations, like Covid-19 close-down.


Penalty for violation of regulations

The  dormitory manager has the right to admonish students who violate  dormitory rules and regulations including: being noisy, drinking in  public areas, smoking, having overnight guests and other behaviors that  will have adverse effects. In serious cases, students will be  disqualified from having dormitory accommodation.



There is Internet access in the room which could be used free of charge 24 hours a day.


Postal services

Please use the following address format for letters or express packages being sent to the dormitory:

No. 355 West Yan'an road, Shanghai, China, 200086

Shanghai Theater Academy International student dormitory 18th floor

Room number

Name and telephone number


Often used phone numbers

Dormitory Manager: 0086-21-62485231

International Students Office Tel: 0086-21-62485215 / 0086-21-62498896

Students Building Office Tel: 0086-21-62498682/ 0086-21-62498685

Ambulance 120

Police 110

Fire 119

Telephone enquiry 114