Guide for STA Enrollment System (Overseas Students)


1.   Access  STA Enrollment system through  the link

Please  use Google, IE8.0+, or Firefox browser.

You  can also access our official website  and  click the button Enrollment to  enter the system.

2.   Log in the system

         User’s Name: Your student number

          Initial Password: 654321

3.   Check your personal account’s information and change  password

If you  forget your current password, please contact the administrator to restore the  initial password.

4.  Update and check the student profile

  1. The  students can only edit Passport &Visa and Contact sections.  

  2. All  the other sections can only be edited by the administrator.  

  3. Remember  to SAVE after any updating.

  4. Student  can download or upload documents in Files  section.